Image for My To Be Read pile showing heather resting on a book

My To Be Read Pile 2021

Happy World Book day everyone. I am seeing pictures everywhere of Witches, Cats, Monkeys and it's fab. Wherever you are I hope you are enjoying it. So i though I'd mix things up for today and do a different type of post today. I will post another review tomorrow as a bit of something extra, but I need help with my book addiction and this seemed the best way to go.

Like a lot of book-lovers, I seem to find myself with rather an enormous amount of books. These comprise of books I've read and loved, stored carefully on our bookshelves ready to be re-read when the mood takes. Then there is my To Be Read pile, or for those in the know, my TBR pile. This is stored less lovingly in a drawer at the side of my bed and on the edge of a blanket box, nestled next to any ironing I have. Don't even get me started on the kindle. If an email pops up from Pageturners, I have taken to averting my eyes from the list of treats that they may have, and all for 99p! I flee from my phone, holding my hands over my eyes so I'm not tempted in any way.

In this TBR pile, I can see the various phases I am going through. At the moment I am definitely on a Russian kick, but I have a number of books by Black authors, Big Read Challenge Books, Christmas Books and also author phases. . So rather than alluding to my gigantic TBR pile in my monthly wrap up posts, I am going to list all of the books I had at the end of 2020 on my TBR pile as a way of holding myself accountable. The aim is that I want to read the majority of these this year. Also, we live in the world's smallest house, and I have to be very picky about which books make it onto my bookshelves. So hang onto your hats people and let's find out which books I'm going to be reading this year.

Big Read Challenge

  • Emma by Jane Austen - I love Pride and Prejudice and am looking to re-reading this lovely story on which the film Clueless was based.
  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis - A children's classic. I always cry when Aslan dies.
  • War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy - I like reading big books (and I cannot lie). I read this years ago and loved it, but this year will be reading it again as a buddy readalong over on Instagram. I am hopeful this will not turn into The Stand all over again.

Big Read To Be Read

Fiction Books

Crime Books

To be Read


There will be lots of other reads to be done and reviewed. I can't wait to get really stuck into this list and writing this post has made me feel excited about my reading year.

What is one book that you are looking forward to reading this year?