Cover detail of News from Thrush Green by Miss Read

News from Thrush Green by Miss Read

I am sat here writing this with the windows open, it's a proper March blustery day with blue skies and fresh air aplenty. Spring is definitely here! With March upon us, it's time for the next book in the #missreadreadalong21 that I am taking part in over on Instagram. March's book was News From Thrush Green which I have not read for donkey's years!

Read January's Book - Thrush Green

Read February's Book - Winter in Thrush Green

When the house called Tullivers is sold after standing empty, the villagers of Thrush Green are delighted to find out it has been taken by a young female writer, Phil (short for Phyllida) and her young son Jeremy. Phil arrives and it quickly becomes clear that something has happened in her marriage. Harold Shoosmith quickly takes her under his wing, introducing her to his friend, Frank, a publisher who agrees to publish a few of her stories. As Harold begins to develop feelings for Phil, tragedy strikes.

Elsewhere Nelly and Albert Piggott are really not getting on at all and when the oilman begins to bestow his attentions on Nelly, could this spell the end of this strange pairing? Sam Curdle is up to his usual tricks, Dotty Harmer is looking for homes for a litter of kittens and is being rather too discerning about potential owners. And at the Bailey's, Winnie's ghastly son Richard is visiting determined to improve his gut health and find a wife, and he has his sights set on poor Phil.

I'm very much enjoying reading these at the moment. The novels resemble a sweet village newsletter or Parish News that used to circulate in the village where I grew up. This contained information about births, deaths and marriages as well as news about the various village events taking place and which make up everyday life.

Phil is a great addition to the village and her friendship with Harold is particularly sweet. Richard is comical, believing that the best way to improve his digestive health would be to take a wife and make her cook delicious gut friendly meals as well as satisfying his manly urges! Dr Bailey makes short work of this in a scene that left me hooting with laughter. As always Miss Read's wry sense of humour is everywhere, it's very subtle but very effective.

Being Spring, the nature elements are wonderful here. The action takes place over a year and throughout we are provided with observations about the changing seasons and garden tips aplenty. This helps to ground the novel.

I continue to enjoy these sweet books.They are a welcome balm for the times that we live in. April's title will be Battle at Thrush Green. I can't wait!

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